Booking & registration

We have updated our booking system for a better experience. To be able to book time slots in Multihallen, the squash hall or to book an appointment with one of our therapists, you need to be an IKEA co-worker, a family member or belong to Vuxenklubben. You also need to be registered at Aktivitetshuset.

If you are already registered, click on the “Booking & Registration” button below. You log in as usual with your email address, but your password has been changed to your birth date (YYMMDD). Please ensure to update to a new safe password.

If you want to register with us for the first time, please do the following:

Via the website: Click on the “Booking & Registration” button below. Choose “Login” (Logga in) and then “Create account” (Skapa konto).

Via the app: Download the app Go Active by the QR code below. Scroll down and choose “Create account” (Skapa konto).

Please fill in your data. To finish the registration, you need to visit Aktivitetshuset and let us scan your IKEA ID-card, Vuxenklubb card or to get a family card. If you are a new family member, the IKEA co-worker need to join by the final registration.

Install our new app!

Scan the QR-code to get the app.

After installing the app, enter supplier code: 123300.

After that, please read the text above about how to continue.

Good to know before booking our therapists:

  • You are able to see available appointments 90 days ahead in the booking tool.
  • Bring 2 towels to your treatment
  • First book your appointment in the booking tool and then place your order in Benify/My rewards.
  • If you need to cancel your appointment with our therapists you need to do it latest 24 hours before. Otherwise, the cost will be charged.

In case of problems with the booking tool, contact Aktivitetshuset via email: or call 0476-440 760.

Looking for booking and registration info?
You can find it on our new home page.
This page has been updated.