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Movement for life

20 October, 2023 , 10:00 11:00


For Swedish read below 

Meet Ulf Johansson, a design engineer at IKEA of Sweden, who turned a tough situation into positive action. After being diagnosed with cancer in 2012, he was motivated to start the IKEA Fights Cancer initiative in 2018. Today, it has evolved into Älmhult Fights Cancer – a charity race that raises funds for cancer research. 

In this session, Ulf will share his personal journey of living with a cancer diagnosis, his decision to challenge himself and his colleagues to participate in a half-marathon to raise money for cancer research, and the role movement plays in his everyday life. 

Come and listen to Ulf, a fellow human being and colleague, and get inspired by real-life examples of how movement can be used to cope with life’s challenges. He will discuss the benefits he experiences from movement and the challenges he has faced, along with his strategies for overcoming these obstacles. Ulf will also provide tips on how to incorporate more movement into our daily routines at work and in our personal lives. 

Did you miss the live talk?
The recorded talk is now available.

IKEA in Älmhult now – 2030 plan
Älmhult is the heart of IKEA. This is where we have our roots,where people from all over the world gather around the vision to create a better everyday life for the many people and where we continue to develop products sold around the world. 

Since 2021 we have launched three health themes per year, as a part of the IKEA in Älmhult now –2030 plan. Meeting the need of all three dimensions of health, social, mental and physical health and wellbeing. The plan is to make IKEA in Älmhult an even better place to work at, to live in and to visit. Are you an IKEA co-worker? Click here to read more! 


Möt Ulf Johansson, en designingenjör på IKEA of Sweden som vände en tuff situation till ett positivt agerande. Efter att ha diagnosticerats med cancer 2012, blev han motiverad att starta initiativet IKEA Fights Cancer 2018. Idag har den utvecklats till Älmhult Fights Cancer – ett välgörenhetslopp som samlar in pengar till cancerforskning. 

Under den här föreläsningen kommer Ulf att berätta om sin personliga resa och om att leva med cancer, hans beslut att utmana sig själv och sina kollegor att delta i ett halvmaraton för att samla in pengar till cancerforskning, och den roll rörelse spelar i hans vardag.

Kom och lyssna på Ulf, en medmänniska och kollega, och bli inspirerad av verkliga exempel på hur rörelse kan användas som ett sätt att hantera livets utmaningar. Han kommer att diskutera fördelarna han upplever från rörelse och de utmaningar han har mött, tillsammans med sina strategier för att övervinna dessa hinder. Ulf kommer också att ge tips om hur man kan integrera mer rörelse i dagliga rutiner på jobbet och i våra personliga liv.