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My story
8 March, 2024 , 10:00 – 11:00

For Swedish read below
Going through a crisis can be an overwhelming and painful experience, challenges and struggles are a part of life. Talking to each other and sharing our experiences can be a powerful tool to help ourselves and others.
Our IKEA colleague, Susanne Koerfer, development leader at IKEA Älmhult AB, shares how she has handled challenging life experiences and how this has affected aspects of her life.
Susanne firmly believes that by being open about our struggles, we can find support and comfort in others who have been through similar situations.
She says: “Remember that you’re not alone and be kind to yourself when things get tough. For me, this has brought me closer to my core, my values and who I am as a person.” Susanne will be in the studio, talking to our host, Jeanette.
Did you miss the live talk?
The recorded talk is now available.
IKEA in Älmhult now – 2030 plan
Älmhult is the heart of IKEA. This is where we have our roots, where people from all over the world gather around the vision to create a better everyday life for the many people and where we continue to develop products sold around the world.
Since 2021 we have launched three health themes per year, as a part of the IKEA in Älmhult now – 2030 plan. Meeting the need of all three dimensions of health, social, mental and physical health and wellbeing. The plan is to make IKEA in Älmhult an even better place to work at, to live in and to visit. Are you an IKEA co-worker? Click here to read more!
Att gå igenom en kris kan vara en överväldigande och smärtsam upplevelse som får dig att ifrågasätta vem du är och vem du vill vara.
Vår kollega Susanne Koerfer, utvecklingsledare på IKEA Älmhult AB, delar med sig av sin historia om de utmaningar hon har gått igenom och hur detta har påverkat varje aspekt av hennes liv.
Susanne tror starkt på att genom att vara öppen om våra personliga svårigheter, kan vi hitta stöd och tröst i andra som har genomgått liknande situationer. Hon säger: “Kom ihåg att du inte är ensam.
Var snäll mot dig själv när det blir tufft och försök att se fram emot en ljusare framtid. Kanske upptäcker du att i slutändan har din kris hjälpt dig att bli en starkare person.” Susanne kommer att vara i studion och prata med vår värd, Jeanette.