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15 March, 2023 , 17:30 19:00


Live music with the Lundinska kapellet and their friends. Music flows from the forests of Småland. The wind whistling, the notes of the birds. The music flows in time with the blood in our veins. We carry the legacy with us, but also the sound of tomorrow.

Come and experience everything from country music, to soul music and to the nerve of the folklore. The Lundin family and their friends look forward to sharing an unforgettable evening with you.

We serve food with a touch from Småland. The ticket includes both the concert and dinner (excluding drinks).

Pre-purchase your ticket at the Hej! counter during our regular opening hours.


Adult: 249 SEK
Children, 5-13 years: 99 SEK
Children 5-13 years: 50 SEK, dinner not included
Small children, 0-5 years: Free, dinner not included


Oven-baked pork tenderloin with roasted potatoes. Served with jelly and salad. Vegetarian options are available and need to be pre-booked: Vegan Ratatouille with roasted potatoes.


Livemusik med Lundinska kapellet och vänner. Från småländska skogarna strömmar musik. Vinden som susar, fåglarnas toner. Musiken strömmar i takt med blodet i våra ådror.

Vi serverar mat med småländsk touch. I biljetten ingår både konserten och middag (exklusive dryck).

Förköp din biljett vid Hej! disken under våra ordinarie öppettider.


Vuxen: 249 SEK
Barn, 5-13 år: 99 SEK
Barn 5-13 år: 50 SEK, ingen mat ingår
Små barn, 0-5 år: Gratis, ingen mat ingår


Ugnsbakad fläskytterfilé med rostad potatis. Serveras med gele och sallad. Vegetarisk alternativ finns och behöver förbokas: Veganskt Ratatouille med rostad potatis och tillbehör.