
Via Aktivitetshuset in Älmhult, local non-profit organisations and associations who are active in Älmhult municipality, can apply for financial support from IKEA in Älmhult.

Open to the public

Stronger together

Supporting the local community of associations in Älmhult is a matter that lies close to our hearts. A vivid and rich community of associations with a variety of culture- and leisure activities contributes to several positive health aspects and an increased wellbeing – not the least for children and youth.

Prioritized target groups

Applications from associations focusing mainly on children and youth are prioritized. Although it is also possible to receive sponsorship for associations with activities for adults.

Registration opens 2 September 2024!

The application period for 2025 runs between 2/9-6/10 2024. We will get back with a decision in early December.

How to apply


The possibility to apply for sponsorship is aimed at local associations:

  • who are active in Älmhult municipality.
  • who are active within 30 minutes drive from Älmhult and offer unique activities that can not be found in Älmhult municipality
  • who are active within sports, culture, outdoor activities, and/or community integration
  • who are open to all members of the community
  • who encourage co-creation and interaction


In order to apply for sponsorship, the association must:

  • have an organization number, an elected board and adopted statues
  • hand in the latest annual report at the time of application, as well as income statement, balance sheet and approved auditor’s report
  • provide feedback and account for the use of the sponsorship money
  • not have any political or religious connections

The Sponsorship via IKEA in Älmhult is issued by IKEA Personalstiftelse and IKEA Älmhult AB

After-run på Grillen

Invigning av Grillen fortsätter! Klockan 15 skruvar DJ:n upp musiken och vi drar igång grillsäsongen för alla löpare och påhejare efter loppet. Vi ses på Grillen!