IKEA co-workers
It´s human to start over. And over. And over. But this time around, let’s create easy healthy habits that last!
What’s a healthy habit for you? During autumn 202. we wanted to inspire you to create easy healthy habits that makes you feel good, and that are easy to keep.
We invited guest speakers that talked about food, sleep, stress, playfulness and, yes, habits. Read more what we talked about and look in to the recorded talks below.

Physical Health and sleep. How are they connected?
18 November is the date when Tammy Helander will share her knowledge in sleep and the health benefits. Join Tammys …
A dialogue about stress and ways to handle it
Tess Donnely and Emma Nilsson talks about stress and how it affects us. And how to handle it. We all …
PLAY – something for me?
16 November, Jessica Bondesson and Magnus Thuvesson are having a workshop about how play can help us to become happier …
What gives you energy and keeps you motivated?
25 November. Join Tess Donnelly and Jessica Bondesson for an online workshop to explore these topics. The source of energy, …
Build up and keep health supporting habits
Since habits are behaviors which happens regularly and more or less automatically- wouldn’t it just be fabulous if some of …
Individual coaching
Health & Wellbeing by IKEA pool of certified coaches At IKEA we aim to create a better life for the …